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Safeguarding Statement


We recognise that the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk is of paramount importance. We have a duty of care, and we will do everything we can to provide a safe and caring environment to everyone we come in contact with. This statement applies to everyone working on behalf of or representing Green School Runs, including paid staff, trustees, volunteers, associates, supporters, members of local groups, students, or individuals on work placements. 


With this in mind we will:

  • treat all individuals at risk with respect and celebrate their achievements 

  • be mindful of equal opportunities and safeguarding in recruitment and selection all staff, associates, trustees and volunteers 

  • respond to concerns and allegations appropriately.


This statement is approved by the Board of Trustees.


The Lead and Deputy Lead for Safeguarding is the Chair of Trustees and can be contacted here: 


When there are concerns about the welfare of any child, young person or adult at risk, all responsible adults in our organisation are expected to share those concerns, without delay, with the lead for safeguarding.


Senior Management for Safeguarding

The Board of Trustees team will have the responsibility for:

  • Safe recruitment (e.g. advertising vacancies with a clear commitment required to safeguarding, obtaining full personal details by application form, check identification and right to work, providing detailed job descriptions for all posts and will request criminal records checks where relevant)

  • developing a training strategy that ensures all staff  and volunteers receive information about the organisation’s safeguarding arrangements 

  • Developing procedures for reporting concerns.


Trustees for Safeguarding

Trustees have a shared responsibility for safeguarding. They will have up to date and relevant training and have the ability to develop knowledge, skills and expertise in safeguarding.


Measures in place 
  • The organisation has a document titled “Safeguarding Resources” on the group shared drive. The document contains a list of links to available resources from the Charity Commision, NCVO, ACVO and other umbrella organisations

  • The nominated Trustees have read, understood and are following the Charity Commission's safeguarding guidance.


Last reviewed: 13th of June 2024


© 2024 by Green School Runs - UK registered charity No. 1189167

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