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No Idling

Leaving engines running while stationary is simply an unnecessary source of air pollution. Combating this is particularly important in locations where there are high numbers of idling vehicle engines, such as outside schools, hospitals and by bus stops.

Green School Runs has teamed up with Vehicle Idling Action London to deliver a range of anti idling activities aimed at educating motorists on the effects of idling.


If you are concerned about idling - perhaps pollution is an issue around your local school or you live on a road blighted by idling engines - and want to help tackle poor air quality, email us at


In alternative, you can click here to volunteer with Vehicle Idling Action London


Below you can see the Green School Runs Anti Idling flyer.


If you would like copies of this flyer, you can contact us at or download it and print it at home. 

Idling Leaflet - Front.jpg
Idling Leaflet - Back.jpg

© 2024 by Green School Runs - UK registered charity No. 1189167

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